Wednesday 11 May 2011

I'm NOT a bladder is!

Do you feel irritated?...I do!

I have been feeling a bit irritated over the past few days!! I have on many 'IRRITABLE BLADdEr'!! My bladder has felt so weak, I have been back and forth to the lavatory during the day, and it's had me awake in the night too...let's face it! weak bladder has been a real 'WEEd'!

Suffering from the painful symptoms of an irritable bladder and associated conditions, as some readers will know, can be quite debilitating, with stinging, burning and smarting sensations that feel somewhat like glass (or a sharp blade) cutting away inside.

Unfortunately, suffering from an irritable bladder (with often no other sign of infection) is just another symptom in the collection of symptoms that make Fibromyalgia a 'Syndrome'. An irritable bladder, otherwise known as 'Interstitial Cystitis' typically shows symptoms in addition to the pain mentioned as; low bladder capacity, bladder spasms; bladder frequency and incontinence...and (sometimes embarrassingly), I have had them all! Please click here for more information on bladder problems in Fibromyalgia and how to treat the symptoms.

I first had problems with my bladder when I was a young child and from the age of six, I spent the following two years in and out of hospital. During that time the doctors puzzled over the reasons behind my constant tears, reluctance to pass urine and complaints of pains in my back and tummy. When testing my urine, sometimes there was infection, sometimes not and the final diagnosis was 'in-conclusive' and put down to my 'personality'. From this experience I was left with a scar on my kidney and myself wondering for a very long time...what was actually wrong with me and my bladder? Only years later, after my FMS diagnosis, was an 'irritable bladder' explanation given.

Of course, due to the physiological design of having a shorter urethra than men, women are more prone to infections of the urinary tract and the possibility of infection always needs to be ruled out...please click here for explanations of urinary tract infections in women. As you know, If you are having unusual or consistent symptoms of pain, burning and feelings of urgency to pass urine, or other types of pelvic pain, you should first go to your doctors to have the possibility of infection ruled out, however if no infection is found, it may be the with myself, that you are suffering from 'interstitial cystitis' otherwise known as 'irritable bladder'...and mine can be very irritable!

In addition to 'Interstitial Cystitis' there are other conditions, for example: 'Pudendal Neuralgia' & 'Pelvic Floor Dysfunction' that commonly occur in women and cause pain in the pelvic area, and like many other illnesses, they are invisible to others and quite often go unnoticed. There is a wonderful blog : 'Silent Tears: Chronic Pelvic and Bladder Pain in Women' that aims at raising awareness of bladder and pelvic pain conditions and a great website : 'Pretty with Pelvic Pain', written by the same author, that has a number of  informative articles. Whether you suffer from a bladder or pelvic pain condition, as I do, or you are just interested in finding out more about bladder and pelvic conditions, the sites are definitely worth a look!

So do you feel irritated? Are you uncomfortable? In pain? Do you need to pop to the toilet?...I do.

However, because I have a 'weak', 'irritable' bladder it doesn't mean that I'm weak...I'm not a WEEd!!....and neither are you, because living with 'invisible', 'chronic' illness can only make us stronger...can't it?

Have a comfortable, pain free, relaxing day.


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