About Me

I'm a qualified FE Lecturer & Moderator in Health, Care and Psychology (currently on a career break from Teaching) with a background in health, care, voluntary and support work. I'm a wife, mother and young at heart grandmother, and I have been living with chronic, invisible, health issues....for most of my life.

I'm a long time Fibromyalgia Syndrome sufferer, I have Meniere's Disease and have been partially deaf in my right ear since birth.

I was originally diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) as a separate diagnosis to FM, many years ago, and now, as a new development,  I have been diagnosed with Small Bowel Crohn's Disease and multiple food intolerances.

......I'm also a 'fledgling' writer...who has decided to follow my passion for writing, whilst helping and supporting others with invisible health issues, through the written word...